Parts Search

We have access to a trusted, extensive global sourcing network. Select below whether you would like to search for a single part or multiple parts in one go. Enter the part number for your required electronic component in the box below and click 'search'.

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Multiple Part Search
Hexagons Whistler Technology

What’s your greatest frustration in procurement of electronic components?

Our team understands the needs of buyers, because we are buyers ourselves, and know that communication, transparency, quality and service are what produce trusting relationships that breed loyalty.

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Market Leader

Whistler has become a market leading independent stocking distributor of Electronic Components, helping our clients to make significant cost savings across their procurement range.

Innovative Tailored Solutions

We always achieve this by utilising our expertise in sourcing to force down the price on your standard MRP items. We also help manage issues caused by component obsolescence and lead time issues and by adding value to your supply chain by offering many procurement options such as Kanban and full kitting services.

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